Creature Comforts, Darkness Vs. Light, Presidential Election And Generic Products

Creature Comforts, Darkness Vs. Light, Presidential Election And Generic Products

Lew, Fernando, Ivo, Jullian, Sophia, Nate, Lauran and Cassidy discuss the following topics:

  • If you could have one single creature comfort what would it be?
  • Creature Comforts, Darkness Vs. Light, Presidential Election And Generic Products


Lew, Fernando, Ivo, Jullian, Sophia, Nate, Lauran and Cassidy discuss the following topics:

  • If you could have one single creature comfort what would it be?
  • Do you prefer dimly lit or brightly lit environments?
  • How do you feel about the upcoming presidential election?
  • Do you find difference between brand products and their generic counterparts?