Dream Breakfast, Fake News, and Bullies

Dream Breakfast, Fake News, and Bullies

Jeremy, Kathleen, Fernando, and Ivo are joined by Chris with Neil on the knobs to discuss the following topics:

  • If you're not on a diet what would be your absolute favorite breakfast?(1:55)
  • How do we get real facts in the age of fake news?

Dream Breakfast, Fake News, and Bullies


Jeremy, Kathleen, Fernando, and Ivo are joined by Chris with Neil on the knobs to discuss the following topics:

  • If you're not on a diet what would be your absolute favorite breakfast? (1:55)
  • How do we get real facts in the age of fake news? (17:00)
  • How to deal with a bully? (34:25)
  • What do you waste money on? (44:12)
  • Despite looking merely 39 years old why is Jeremy a grumpy old man? (54:43)
  • The Kentucky WNU Derby is a sponsor (58:26)