Episode 087 – Scary Clowns and School Subjects

Episode 087 – Scary Clowns and School Subjects

Chris Magerkurth, Lin Wang, and Jason Springer join the regulars for this week's podcast.


  • Why are clowns and heights scary?
  • Do Americans look down on other countries?
  • Do we still need to learn handwriting, spelling, and grammar rules?
  • What should Hillary do next?
  • Future questions from the panel.

Episode 087 – Scary Clowns and School Subjects


Chris Magerkurth, Lin Wang, and Jason Springer join the regulars for this week's podcast.


  • Why are clowns and heights scary?
  • Do Americans look down on other countries?
  • Do we still need to learn handwriting, spelling, and grammar rules?
  • What should Hillary do next?
  • Future questions from the panel.