October 19, 2017
Episode 088 – Morals, Ethics, and Sex Toys
Jeremy, Kath, and Lew are joined by Brennan Conroy, Josh, and Jason Springer! Topics discussed: The panel discusses the merits of sex toys. Can an immoral politician act ethically? subtopic: ethics v. morality Do we need grammar anymore? subtopic: do millennials suck? The pros and cons of government surveillance. Diaries
September 21, 2017
Episode 087 – Scary Clowns and School Subjects
Chris Magerkurth, Lin Wang, and Jason Springer join the regulars for this week’s podcast. Topics: Why are clowns and heights scary? Do Americans look down on other countries? Do we still need to learn handwriting, spelling, and grammar rules? What should Hillary do next? Future questions from the panel.
September 19, 2017
Episode 086 – Spy Movies and Centenarians
Jason Springer, Troy Wingert, and Jane Carter join Ivo, Jeremy, Kath and Lew to talk about super serious stuff. . . Topics discussed: The best spy movie of all time Why would you want to live to be 100? What friends would you like to reconnect to? What topics are taboo for a podcast? When […]
September 14, 2017
Episode 085 – Dark Thoughts, Clean Houses, and Taboo Topics
This week, Ivo, Jeremy, Kath, and Lew are joined by our friend Josh! Topics discussed: How does the panel keep the dark thoughts away? We discusses the merits of good housekeeping. Professions we hate. Groups we have regretted joining. Topics we wouldn’t talk about on the podcast.
September 10, 2017
Episode 084 – Childhood Toys and Life Changing Events
This week, Ivo, Jeremy, Kath, and Lew are joined by Jason Springer and friend of the podcast Josh! The panel share their biggest pet peeves. Favorite toys from childhood. Life changing events from the panel. The pardoning of Sheriff Joe.
September 8, 2017
Episode 083 – Alcohol and Treasured Totems
Jason Springer and Jane Carter Join Ivo, Jeremy, Kath and Lew to talk truth. Topics discussed: Is there ever a good excuse for getting drunk? If you could get away with any crime, what would it be? What movie will you watch every time? Tell us about a treasured item you’ve lost. What’s the difference […]